Our Motto:
Main Logging, Inc. values the safety of our logging technicians and operations. We provide two man logging units on a 12-hour tour schedule to provide the level of care that the well projects require. As such, 24-hour tours are prohibited. Sample catchers can be furnished upon request.
Our logging technicians are well qualified and personally trained by Will Cho to ensure consistency within the company and quality of work. Will Cho and his team of supervisors visit wells daily for quality control purposes and to ensure our goal of continuous on the job training is being met.
Main Logging Inc. was formed in 2004 by Will Cho. Will began logging in the Permian Basin in 1993 and has since logged over 800 wells. The early years of the company mainly consisted of drilling vertical gas wells. Since the boom in horizontal drilling, Main Logging Inc. has focused on specializing in identifying conventional and unconventional targets, while aiding in the lateral steering of the intended pay zone. Most of our experience in the last 5 years have targeted the:
Brushy Canyon sand
Leonard shale (Upper and Lower Avalon shale)
First Bone Spring sand
Second Bone Spring sand
Third Bone Spring sand
Penn shale
Barnett shale
The majority of the wells have centered around:
Eddy County, New Mexico
Lea County, New Mexico
Loving County, Texas
Culberson County, Texas
Reeves County, Texas
Ward County, Texas
Andrews County, Texas
We take pride in putting our name on every mud log produced. We believe our motto of “attention to detail” is what sets us apart from many competitors in the market.